Friday, March 30, 2012

Sandhill Crane Calling

Again another day off!This time no work!Left very early to avoid the crowds!Only went to one area along the railway tracks.Extensive marsh with very interesting sights!A large bird flushed and I followed it through some deadfall.It was a Cooper`s Hawk and it was hunting the numerous Dark-eyed Juncos about!A Northern Flicker also alighted as I walked here.With the low cloud ceiling swore a Sandhill Crane was very close to me!On the way to the bus stop took a side trip to another swamp and was rewarded.A Rusty Blackbird flew on to a bulrush and started singing!Here are three videos of birds seen or heard,


  1. I saw a flock of 90+ Sandhill Cranes pas over the Pembina Valley today. SI like the idea of adding the videos for the sound.

    1. All those Sandhill Cranes most have been an amazing sight!With the cloud cover could not see the one!
